Benefits To The Local Community
. Local Environmental Benefits
- Ultimate flood water management in the - event of extreme climatic generated events
- Improved accessibility through additional river crossings
- Preservation of river bank and defences against tidal erosion
- Affordable siltation control through dredging
- Maintenance of inter-tidal habitats
- Opportunities for growth in sustainable fisheries and through Aquaculture

. Local Financial Benefits
- Reduced price, locally generated electrical energy
- Low energy costs promote industrial growth
- Contribution towards the UK Government’s levelling up policy
- Opportunities for growth in sustainable fisheries and through Aquaculture
- Funding of local Community Interest
- Companies to stimulate wider economic regeneration

. Local Community Benefits
- Improved marine facilities – pleasure and commercial, including increases in river navigability
- Safe haven for local fishing fleet
- Visitors centre, hospitality facilities and general leisure facilities (increased tourism)
- Growth in local industry and employment through supply chain necessities
- Academic and skills enhancement for local communities
- Restoration or increases in local pride