About Us
Welcome to TEDD Group
Tidal Energy & Defence Development
TEDD has been formed to aggregate, develop and deliver tidal energy and tidal defence projects around the UK. The first project, Natural Energy Wyre, has been in development since 2010, although the company was only formed in 2014. There are four imminent projects with others to join from around the UK and Ireland. TEDD will aggregate these projects into a meaningful pipeline of development with Natural Energy Wyre leading the field. Our current five projects involve 17GW of installed capacity leading to 30TWh of energy generation representing more than 10% of UK’s current capacity, with a further estimated 100GW available in additional projects. The CAPEX required to build these projects is particularly attractive to Institutional Investors.
TEDD's Team
Management Team

TEDD's Team
Team Heads

environmental projects participated in previously by the team
GW generational capacity planned by 2030 & associated sea defences
TWh (30,000 Gigawatt Hours) of annual energy generation by 2030
million homes provided with affordable electricity